Clerk 04/29/2008
AN ORDINANCE approving operational and capital improvements in support of immediate needs for King County animal care and control, appropriating $490,000 to the current expense fund, $80,000 to current expense fund transfers, $80,000 to the public health fund, and a net appropriation of $130,000 to capital improvement programs; and amending the 2008 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 15975, Sections 10, 30, 47, 93, 130 and 134, as amended, and Attachments B and F, as amended; and declaring an emergency.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. The purpose of King County animal care and control is to serve and maintain such levels of animal care as will protect animal and human health and safety, and to the greatest degree practicable to prevent injury to humans and property and cruelty to animal life.
B. The King County animal shelters located in Kent and Bellevue house approximately thirteen thousand stray, abandoned and neglected animals each year.
C. The animal care and control citizen's advisory committee as well as independent expert consultants have recommended taking immediate action to improve the condition of the shelters to relieve overcrowding and to reduce the potential for disease among animals.
D. Immediate operational improvements, expanded staffing, and identified facility upgrades will provide relief at the shelter facilities by reducing animal overcrowding, further providing for the performance of essential functions, and reducing the spread of disease at the shelters.
E. Funds necessary for improvements to these essential animal sheltering functions must be made available immediately to ensure that needs identified by the animal care and control citizen's advisory committee as well as independent expert consultants are met without delay. Unless these appropriations are enacted as an emergency ordinance, funding for improvements would be delayed due to non-emer...
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