Clerk 07/02/2003
AN ORDINANCE making a supplemental appropriation of $21,675 from the current expense fund to parks and recreation; $60,743 from the current expense fund to adult and juvenile detention; and $35,333 to the alcoholism and substance abuse fund from undesignated fund balance to implement the Joint Crafts Council Collective Bargaining Agreement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003; and amending the 2003 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14517, Sections 19, 35, 40 and 75, as amended.
SECTION 1. There is hereby approved and adopted an ordinance making a supplemental appropriation of $21,675 from the current expense fund (salary and wage contingency) to parks and recreation, $60,743 from the current expense fund (salary and wage contingency) to adult and juvenile detention, and $35,333 to the alcoholism and substance abuse fund from undesignated fund balance to implement the Joint Crafts Council Collective Bargaining Agreement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003.
SECTION 2. Ordinance 14517, Section 19, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein the following:
PARKS AND RECREATION - From the current expense fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Parks and recreation $21,675
SECTION 3. Ordinance 14517, Section 35, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein the following:
SALARY AND WAGE CONTINGENCY - From the current expense fund there is hereby disappropriated from:
Salary and wage contingency ($82,418)
SECTION 4. Ordinance 14517, Section 40, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein the following:
ADULT AND JUVENILE DETENTION - From the current expense fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Adult and juvenile detention $60,743
SECTION 5. Ordinance 14517, Section 75, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein the following:
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