Clerk 03/12/2015
A MOTION expressing support for efforts to ensure parity of access to and success resulting from appropriate services for homeless youth and young adults of color and for homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth and young adults.
WHEREAS, tabulation efforts in recent years have indicated that, on any given night, between seven hundred seventy-five and one thousand youth and young adults between the ages of twelve and twenty-five are homeless or unstably housed in King County, and
WHEREAS, in response to this problem, King County partnered with local jurisdictions, service providers and funders to create the Homeless Youth and Young Adult Initiative as part of the Committee to End Homelessness to develop a comprehensive plan to prevent and end youth and young adult homelessness, and
WHEREAS, in August 2013, the Homeless Youth and Young Adult Initiative released a comprehensive plan to prevent and end youth and young adult homelessness in King County by 2020, and
WHEREAS, the comprehensive plan found that young people of color and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning ("LGBTQ") youth and young adults are overrepresented among homeless youth and young adults, and
WHEREAS, the comprehensive plan included an implementation strategy that identified priority investments to provide stable housing, permanent connections, emotional wellbeing, education and employment for homeless youth and young adults, and
WHEREAS, the fourth benchmark of this comprehensive plan included strategies to decrease the overrepresentation of people of color and LGBTQ people among homeless youth and young adults, and
WHEREAS, the Homeless Youth and Young Adult Initiative has been working to address this overrepresentation by tracking access to services and parity in program outcomes, and
WHEREAS, the initiative, in coordination with The Northwest Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian & Gay Survivors of Abu...
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