A MOTION adopting the schedule for King County's move to annual budgeting and fulfilling the requirements of Ordinance 19654.
WHEREAS, in November 2022, voters in King County approved a charter amendment to move elections for the county offices of executive, assessor, director of elections, and councilmembers from odd-numbered to even-numbered years, and
WHEREAS, the county gradually implemented biennial budgeting over a period of more than ten years with the understanding that biennial budget adoption would take place in non-election years, and
WHEREAS, the next four election years for the county offices of executive, assessor, director of elections, and councilmembers are scheduled for 2023, 2025, 2026, and 2028, and
WHEREAS, voter approval of the charter amendment puts the county in a circumstance of having the biennial budget adoption process taking place in the 2026 and 2028 election years, and
WHEREAS, to avoid budget adoption coinciding with election years, the executive must have the flexibility to shift budget development from even-numbered to odd-numbered years, and
WHEREAS, state law prohibits the county from adopting a three-year budget but does not prohibit adoption of annual or biennial budgets, and
WHEREAS, the metropolitan King County council adopted Ordinance XXXXX (Proposed Ordinance 2023-0245), and
WHEREAS, Ordinance XXXX (Proposed Ordinance 2023-0245) authorizes the council to designate county funds selected for annual budgeting, and
WHEREAS, the designation must occur by motion and be transmitted to the executive at least two hundred forty-five days before the end of the current fiscal period;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The council hereby notifies the executive that the following funds shall be adopted as annual budgets for 2025: All county funds.