Clerk 3/15/2007
AN ORDINANCE creating the Patterson Creek Basin citizens advisory committee; providing for transition of representation to the new committee; and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 2.36.
1. Proposed Ordinance 2006-0334 would create a countywide flood control zone district ("FCZD").
2. Under state law, a new countywide FCZD cannot be created that would overlap with existing districts. Therefore, existing FCZDs within King County are proposed for dissolution, including the Patterson Creek FCZD.
3. The advisory committee of the Patterson Creek FCZD has been meeting actively for decades and has a strong track record of partnering with the county and other parties to complete flooding, water quality, and fish habitat projects.
4. If the Patterson Creek FCZD is dissolved, a very effective mechanism for making county decision-makers aware of community concerns and recommendations for dealing with flooding, water quality, and fish habitat concerns within the Patterson Creek basin would be lost.
5. There is value in having an advisory committee that continues to advise the executive and council on both the nature of problems and recommendations for solutions to flooding, water quality, and habitat problems and to act as a first point of contact for community expertise about flooding, water quality, and fish habitat issues in the Patterson Creek basin.
6. There is also value in maintaining a seamless transition to the Patterson Creek citizen advisory committee by continuing the appointments of the current representatives of the existing advisory committee of the Patterson Creek FCZD as members of the newly created Patterson Creek citizen advisory committee.
NEW SECTION. SECTION 1. There is hereby added K.C.C. chapter 2.36 a new section to read as follows.
A. There is hereby created a Patterson Creek Basin citizen advisory committee, hereinafter referred to in this section as "the advisory committee."
B. The advisory committee shall be composed of five individuals, including the chair. Advisory committee members shall be appointed by the executive and confirmed by the council, and shall serve staggered terms of three years. Candidate members shall either own property or reside within the Patterson Creek basin, and should represent a diverse range of interests and expertise regarding flooding, water quality and fish habitat within the Patterson Creek basin. Members may serve multiple terms. At least one of the five members should be serving their first term. The chair shall be appointed by the advisory committee members, to serve a term of one year.
C. The advisory committee shall make county decision-makers aware of community concerns and interests, and advise the executive and council on issues related to flooding, water quality, and fish habitat within the Patterson Creek basin.
D. Functions of the advisory committee shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. Serving in an advisory capacity to the executive and county council and making recommendations for flooding, water quality and fish habitat projects and programs within the Patterson Creek basin;
2. Acting as an informed advocate for resources by continuing to partner with the county to apply for resources that support efforts to reduce flood hazards, improve water quality and protect salmon habitat within the Patterson Creek basin;
3. Making the public aware of incentives programs like the public benefit rating system, and technical assistance such as the King Conservation District's farm planning program and King County's rural stewardship program; and
4. Staying informed and sharing information about development proposals, land-use appeals, and code enforcement actions within the Patterson Creek basin.
E. The manager of the water and land resources division shall designate a staff person to act as a liaison with the advisory, to provide support for administration of the advisory and to facilitate access to information regarding flooding, water quality, and fish habitat projects.
SECTION 2. The current members of the Patterson Creek Flood Control Zone District advisory committee shall serve out their respective terms of appointment, as members of the Patterson Creek citizen advisory committee created under section 1 of this ordinance. Future appointments to the Patterson Creek citizen advisory committee shall be consistent with section 1.B. of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. This ordinance takes effect when the council adopts legislation that
repeals Resolution 28339, as amended, and Ordinance 12075, Section 7, and K.C.C. 2.36.010.