A MOTION relating to the organization of the council; amending Motion 11122, Section B, as amended, and OR 2-010, Motion 11122, Section D, as amended, and OR 2-020, Motion 11122, Section G, as amended, and OR 2-040, Motion 11122, Section H, as amended, and OR 2-050, Motion 10651, Section 7, as amended, and OR 3-030 and Motion 10651, Section VIII, as amended, and OR 3-040.
WHEREAS, the council has specified by motion the chairs, vice-chairs and members of council committees and provided for any changes to these positions to be made by adoption of a formal legislative motion, and
WHEREAS, the council desires to specify committee membership;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
I. Motion 11122, Section B, as amended, and OR 2-010 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
The council may go into committee of the whole at any time. The committee of the whole shall consider: issues of interest to the entire council, including appointments to the state legislature and as department directors and key subordinate units in the executive branch; the annual legislative program; legislation before the federal, state and local governments that affect King County; the King County Strategic Plan; oversight of the Harborview Medical Center management agreement; solid waste including waste to energy; the office of law enforcement oversight; local government; and other program and policy matters. The committee of the whole shall conduct regular town hall meetings on issues of significance.
II. Motion 11122, Section D, as amended, and OR 2-020 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
In addition to any committee otherwise established by law, the committees of the metropolitan King County council and their respective functions are established as follows:
A. Budget and fiscal management committee shall consider and make recommendations on: the county revenue and expenditure fiscal structural gap; capital and operating budget appropriations; the sale and lease of real property to or by the county; debt and investment proposals; bond issues; the office of economic and financial analysis; and financial policies. The committee shall also consider the implementation of appropriate labor agreements.
1. The committee shall develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget, based on the recommendations of other council committees and taking into account the estimated fiscal impacts of state and federal legislation.
2. In respect to consideration of the county's proposed biennial budget, all members of the council not assigned to the budget and fiscal management committee shall be considered ex officio voting members of the committee.
B. Government accountability and oversight committee.
1. The committee shall consider and make recommendations on:
a. improving the efficiency, cost effectiveness and performance of all branches of county government (legislative, executive and judicial);
b. enhancing oversight, accountability and transparency in King County government, ((the office of law enforcement oversight,)) the annual county audit program and federal, state or county audit reports, the administration of the Public Records Act, civil rights and compliance, capital projects oversight, strategic planning, performance measurement and performance management, management organizational structure and technology management; and
c. general government oversight, including customer service, worker safety, the department of assessments; elections; records and licensing; animal control; cable communications; the county fair; King County international airport; risk management; veterans, and executive services such as telecommunications, facilities management, purchasing and real property management.
2. In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.
C. Health, housing and human services committee.
1. The committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies relating to:
a. public health programs, including those related to the protection, promotion and provision functions of the department of public health, including the structure of the public health centers;
b. affordable housing, including therapeutic and low-income housing ; and
c. human services programs, including review of human services-related levies, and civil rights and social justice. The committee shall also consider the implementation of appropriate labor agreements.
2. In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.
D. Law and justice committee.
1. The committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies relating to law, safety, criminal justice and emergency management programs, excluding those related to alternatives to incarceration and including those related to: public safety; adult detention; juvenile justice and youth services; superior and district courts; judicial administration; prosecuting attorney; public defense; implementation of a pretrial risk assessment tool; emergency medical services; emergency management, including disaster response, emergency preparedness and emergency planning and the Puget Sound emergency radio network project.
2. In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.
((3. In respect to consideration of the best start for kids levy implementation plan required by Ordinance 18088, Section 8.B., all members of the council not assigned to the health, housing and human services committee also shall be members of the committee. Only for those portions of a meeting when the committee considers that plan shall these additional members be considered members of the committee for purposes of quorum and attendance.))
E. Transportation, economy and environment committee.
1. The committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies relating to:
a. growth management, including land use development and regulation, comprehensive planning, including implementation of its affordable housing elements, economic development, including pay equity and income disparity, and annexations;
b. the environment, including: salmon recovery; resource lands; energy; surface water management and water supply; wastewater treatment; ((solid waste;)) unincorporated and rural areas, including agriculture and rural services; and parks, recreation and cultural resources; and
c. transportation, including roads, passenger ferries and public transportation. The committee shall also consider the implementation of appropriate labor agreements.
2. In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.
F. Special committee on alternatives to incarceration.
1. There is established a special committee on alternatives to incarceration.
2. The special committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies related to alternatives to incarceration such as electronic home detention, work education release or successor programs.
3. The special committee shall complete its tasks as of December 31, 2017, and as of that date, in accordance with K.C.C. 1.24.010.E., the special committee shall expire.
III. Motion 11122, Section G, as amended, and OR 2-040 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
The council designates the following councilmembers as chairs and vice-chairs of the standing committees created in this motion and the regional committees established in the King County Charter.
Committee of the whole:
Chair: ((Kathy Lambert)) Claudia Balducci.
Vice-chair: ((Rod Dembowski)) Kathy Lambert.
Budget and fiscal management committee:
Chair: Dave ((u))Upthegrove.
Vice-chair: Kathy Lambert
Employment and administration committee:
Chair: Joe McDermott.
Vice-chair: ((Larry Gossett)) Reagan Dunn.
Government accountability and oversight committee:
Chair: Pete von Reichbauer.
Vice-chair: ((Jeanne Kohl-Welles)) Dave Upthegrove.
Health, housing and human services committee:
Chair: Jeanne Kohl-Welles.
Vic-chair: Kathy Lambert.
Law and justice committee:
Chair: Larry Gossett.
Vice-chair: Kathy Lambert.
Transportation, economy and environment committee:
Chair: Rod Dembowski.
Vice-chair: Claudia Balducci.
Regional policy committee:
Chair: Pete von Reichbauer.
Regional transit committee:
Chair: Claudia Balducci.
Regional water quality committee:
Chair: ((Jeanne Kohl-Welles)) Kathy Lambert.
Special committee on alternatives to incarceration:
Cochair: Reagan Dunn
Cochair: Claudia Balducci
IV. Motion 11122, Section H, as amended, and OR 2-050 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
The council designates the following councilmembers, in addition to the chairs and vice-chairs, as members of the standing committees created in this motion and the regional committees established in the King County Charter.
Budget and fiscal management committee:
Members: Claudia Balducci, Rod Dembowski, Larry Gossett, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Joe McDermott.
Committee of the whole:
Members: All councilmembers.
Employment and administration committee:
Members: Claudia Balducci ((Reagan Dunn, Kathy Lambert)), Dave Upthegrove.
Government accountability and oversight committee:
Members: Claudia Balducci, ((Rod Dembowski)) Larry Gossett.
Health, housing and human services committee:
Members: Rod Dembowski, Larry Gossett, Dave Upthegrove.
Law and justice committee:
Members: ((Claudia Balducci, Rod Dembowski,)) Reagan Dunn, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Joe McDermott.
Transportation, economy and environment committee:
Members: Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Kathy Lambert, Joe McDermott, Dave Upthegrove, Pete von Reichbauer.
Regional policy committee:
Members: Claudia Balducci, Larry Gossett.
Alternate: Jeanne Kohl-Welles.
Regional transit committee:
Members: Reagan Dunn, Dave Upthegrove.
Alternate: Joe McDermott.
Regional water quality committee:
Members: Rod Dembowski((, Reagan Dunn)), Jeanne Kohl-Welles.
Alternate: Reagan Dunn ((Kathy Lambert)).
Special committee on alternatives to incarceration:
Members: Larry Gossett, Jeanne Kohl-Welles.
V. Motion 10651, Section 7, as amended, and OR 3-030 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Organizational chart. The legislative branch shall be organized in accordance with the organization chart, Attachment A to ((Motion 14725)) this motion. The chief of staff shall prepare and file with the clerk of the council a revised organization chart to replace Attachment A to ((Motion 14725)) this motion when the organization of the legislative branch is changed by any ordinance, motion, or personnel decision adopted by the council.
B. Chief of staff. There shall be a council chief of staff who reports to the chair, and shall be accountable and responsive to all councilmembers. The chief of staff is responsible for the efficient overall management and administration of the following staff of the legislative branch and their subordinates: the administrative services supervisor; the clerk; the director of communications; the director of strategic policy initiatives; and the director of government relations. The chief of staff is also responsible for monitoring the independent agencies of the council. The chief of staff shall be a resource for personal and committee staff. In addition, the chief of staff, at the direction of the council and in consultation with appropriate committee chairs, may coordinate with the policy staff director the work of committee staff, legal counsel and others as needed on significant issues.
C. Policy staff director. There shall be a policy staff director who reports to the chair, and shall be accountable and responsive to all councilmembers. The policy staff director is responsible for the efficient overall management and administration of the committee staff, which includes committee assistants and represented legislative analysts. Committee chairs and members are responsible for providing policy direction to committee staff by, among other things, setting priorities and directing the work of committee staff. In addition, the policy staff director, at the direction of the council chair and in consultation with appropriate committee chairs, may coordinate with the chief of staff the work of committee, legal counsel and others as needed on significant issues.
D. King County Flood Control Zone District executive director. There shall be a King County Flood Control Zone District executive director who reports to the county councilmember who serves as the chair of the King County Flood Control Zone District, and who shall be accountable and responsive to all councilmembers who serve on the King County Flood Control Zone District board of supervisors. The executive director is responsible for the efficient overall management and administration of the King County Flood Control Zone District and the flood control zone district administration unit and its employees.
VI. Motion 10651, Section VIII, as amended, and OR 3-040 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
A. For the purposes of this section, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
1. "Administrative staff" means the council chief of staff and staff who report directly or indirectly to the council chief of staff; and
2. "Policy staff" means the council staff who report directly or indirectly to the policy staff director, including, but not limited to, staff assigned to a standing or regional committee or the board of health, and who are assigned to provide policy, fiscal or program analysis for all councilmembers.
B. Ethical considerations.
In common with all county employees and officials, legislative branch employees and elected officials shall comply with the King County code of ethics, K.C.C. chapter 3.04. Employees shall familiarize themselves with the content of the code of ethics and in the event they identify any issue of possible concern they shall promptly seek advice from their supervisor, the policy staff director, the council chief of staff or the legal counsel or shall seek an advisory opinion from the board of ethics.
C. Lobbying restriction on administrative and policy staff and on the legal counsel to the council.
1. Administrative or policy staff or the legal counsel to the council shall not in any way seek to influence the passage or rejection of any matter under consideration by the council or any committee of the council, except where an employee within the scope of his or her duties is required to make a recommendation or is specifically asked by a councilmember to give a recommendation on the particular matter. This restriction does not apply to the policy staff director, the director of government relations or the chief of staff to the council pursuant to previously adopted council action.
2. With respect to contacts involving the news media related to the political or policy aspects of county business, administrative and policy staff and the legal counsel of the council are encouraged first to refer such matters to the committee chair or councilmember with jurisdiction over the subject matter.
D. Reporting relationships and assignments of policy staff.
1. Policy direction. Policy staff work for and are accessible to all councilmembers, and the policy staff director. Policy staff receive policy direction regarding issues within the committee's jurisdiction from the committee chair, members of the committee, the policy staff director and team leaders.
2. Policy staff assignments. Policy staff assignments shall be made by the policy staff director with collaboration from team leaders. Notwithstanding an assignment to a standing or regional committee, policy staff may be assigned tasks to various committees by the policy staff director or his or her designee. All policy staff are subject to the administrative supervision of the policy staff director or his or her designee. Policy staff are responsible for conducting objective analysis on legislation and work items to which they are assigned.
3. Administrative supervision. In order to ensure maximum effectiveness of the resources of policy staff and ensure that the Charter-based needs of the council are met, administrative supervision includes: overall coordination of all policy staff work plans; developing and implementing an ongoing equitable performance evaluation system that provides accountability of staff work product; developing, conducting and overseeing training and development programs, plans and processes for policy staff that link assessment of policy staff work with staff's professional development and growth. The policy staff director or his or her designee shall have administrative supervision responsibility over policy staff consisting of represented legislative analysts and committee assistants. The chief of staff or his or her designee shall have administrative supervision responsibility over administration staff as shown in Attachment A to ((Motion 14189)) this motion.
4. Team leader. Team leader staff function as the supervisors for policy staff and committee assistants. A team leader is responsible for: consulting with committee lead staff to ensure adequate staffing to meet the needs of the committee; mentoring and coaching staff; assigning work to committee analysts and support staff, in conjunction with committee lead staff; reviewing staff work against professional and technical standards; meeting on an ongoing basis with staff on the team leader's team to ensure that the work program goals are being met and necessary training provided as well as providing quarterly reviews and preparing performance evaluations. Subject to the confidentiality rules in subsection F. of this section, policy staff are expected to keep the policy staff director and team leader staff informed about their assignments and any issues that may arise.
5. Committee lead staff. The committee lead staff for a committee is responsible for working with policy staff director and team leader staff in ensuring adequate staff resourcing to meet the needs of the committee, managing the administrative work of the committee, including ensuring that committee agendas are prepared, approved by the committee chair and distributed in a timely manner.
E. Scope of work.
1. The first priority of policy staff is to support committee work responsibilities as established by the council and carried out under the direction of the committee chair. Their second priority is to support committee members' work requests. Their third priority is to support noncommittee members' work requests related to the work of the committee. Their fourth priority is to accomplish all other work requests from councilmembers. The committee chair shall make reasonable provisions for each priority.
2. If policy staff believe that a work request cannot be accomplished consistent with the above priorities, they should discuss the issue with the committee chair, the lead staff for the committee and with the policy staff director, subject to the limitations identified in subsection F. of this section concerning confidentiality.
F. Confidentiality.
1. Councilmembers may request an administrative staff or a policy staff member to perform work and keep the nature of the work confidential. However, administrative analytic staff may apprise the chief of staff, and policy staff may apprise the policy staff director as to the requested work and time required to perform it. The policy staff director and chief of staff shall maintain the confidential nature of the request.
2. Consistent with the reporting relationship and assignment rules in subsections B. through E. of this section, policy staff are expected to inform lead staff and the policy staff director about the amount of time required to perform the work.
3. Based upon staff assignment under OR 1-020.B, if administrative staff or policy staff believe that a work request by a councilmember is contrary to adopted council rules or violates the staff's professional ethics, the staff may consult with the policy staff director, the chief of staff or lead staff and for this purpose may disclose the information necessary to identify the problem. The policy staff director, the chief of staff and lead staff shall also maintain confidentiality.
G. Staff assistance. Based upon staff assignment under OR 1-020.B, administrative staff should seek the assistance of the chief of staff, and policy staff should seek the assistance of the policy staff director, to resolve any concerns regarding performance of their assigned duties.