Clerk 07/08.2004
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the granting of a guide way easement to Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority in council district 5.
1. Under K.C.C. 4.56.010, the King County council may authorize the King County executive to grant an easement through county property.
2. The Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority, which is also known as Sound Transit, is in the process of developing a portion of the regional light rail transit facility extending from convention place in downtown Seattle to South 154 Street in the city of Tukwila.
3. The Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority is in the process of obtaining all the necessary property rights and easements to construct, operate and maintain the light rail transit facility.
4. King County is the owner of property along the designated route for the regional light rail transit facility.
5. King County, department of transportation, transit division is the owner of the metro south base transit maintenance terminal.
6. The Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority requested a guide way easement from King County, department of transportation in order to develop, construct, operate and maintain a portion of the regional light rail transit facility on a portion of the south base transit maintenance terminal.
7. The King County department of transportation and department of executive services, facilities management division, real estate services section, finds that the granting of this easement will not interfere with the use of this portion of the south base terminal maintenance facilities under the terms and conditions of the guide way easement.
8. Thirty-four thousand eight hundred sixty-four dollars is the financial consideration for the granting of the guide way easement.
9. The King County prosecuting attorney office has approved the easement as to form.
10. The King County council finds that granting of this easement would be in the best interest of the citizens of King County.
SECTION 1. The county executive is authorized to grant a guide way easement
and all necessary appurtenances, substantially in the form of the attached guide way easement.