Clerk 07/30/2008
A MOTION approving the Detail Implementation Plan for the Accountable Business Transformation program that details activities for full implementation of Accountable Business Transformation.
WHEREAS, the King County council adopted Motion 11729 on June 16, 2003, that approved a Vision and Goals Statement recommended by the King County executive and the Strategic Advisory Council for enterprise financial, human resource and budget management, accepted a plan to develop a roadblocks action plan and quantified business case, and
WHEREAS, on October 4, 2004, the King County council adopted Motion 12024 approving accountable business transformation program policies, and
WHEREAS, in April 2006 by Motion 12274, the council amended the 2006-08 Strategic Technology Plan to move the enterprise applications, which are financials, human resources/payroll and budget, from the fifth to the first Efficiency Goal, and
WHEREAS, on September 29, 2006, the King County council adopted Ordinance 15595 amending the 2006 King County budget to appropriate $3,3209,785 for accountable business transformation planning activities, and
WHEREAS, on October 9, 2006, the King County council adopted Motion 12364 approving a revised Accountable Business Transformation Program Charter that provides strong, countywide governance, clear lines of accountability and succession for this program, and
WHEREAS, on September 24, 2007, the King County council adopted Motion 12581 approving the High Level Business Plan, Budget System Requirements Document and updated Cost Benefit Assumption for the Accountable Business Transformation program, and
WHEREAS, on November 19, 2007, the King County council adopted Ordinance 15595 allocating $5,427,018 to complete planning for the Accountable Business Transformation program, and
WHEREAS, on February 25, 2008, the Accountable Business Transformation leadership committee comprised of countywide elected officials approved the High Level Business Design that sets forth the scope for transitioning King County business processes to industry best practices for system integration and directed the program to complete program planning in the form of a detailed implementation plan and cost-benefit update, and
WHEREAS, the Accountable Business Transformation program retained the services of consultants, CIBER, Inc., and the Hackett Group in developing the detailed implementation plan and the cost-benefit update, and
WHEREAS, the Accountable Business Tranformation external advisory committee made up of public and private experts in the field of enterprise resource planning found that the county's Detail Implementation Plan and updated Cost Benefit Comparison Study and Analysis provide a comprehensive and sound foundation from which to implement Accountable Business Transformation, and
WHEREAS, the documents presented herein have been reviewed and approved in accordance with the governance structure established by the adopted Accountable Business Transformation Program Charter, and
WHEREAS, the executive presented the subject documents with his recommendation on July 23, 2008, to the elected leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr., County who serve on the Accountable Business Transformation leadership committee, and
WHEREAS, the leadership committee supported transmittal of the subject documents by the county executive to the council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The Detailed Implementation Plan for the Accountable Business Transformation
program, dated July 2008, including the Cost Benefit Analysis and Budget System Implementation Plan included as Attachment A to this motion, is hereby approved.
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