A MOTION declaring the council's support for a national infrastructure bank as described in H.R. 3339, 117th Cong. (2021).
WHEREAS, the American Society of Civil Engineers stated, in its 2021 "report card," that the United States’ current infrastructure deserves a grade of C-, and that $6 trillion over ten years would be needed to restore that infrastructure to a state of good repair - while newer projects and over $3 trillion of corrective projects are currently unfunded through federal, state, and local budgets, and
WHEREAS, according to the federal government, Washington state will need approximately $11.73 billion over the next 20 years for drinking water infrastructure, and
WHEREAS, according to the King County 2020 Annual Bridge Report, King County maintains 182 bridges and these bridges supported more than 1 million trips daily in 2019 while 75 bridges were beyond their anticipated useful lives, and
WHEREAS, according to the regional affordability housing task force, King County needs an additional 156,000 units of affordable housing today and 244,000 new units by 2040, and
WHEREAS, a National Infrastructure Bank ("NIB") would enable completion of previously neglected infrastructure projects while stimulating an economic recovery, and legislation to create such a bank, which is H.R. 3339 117th Cong. (2021), was introduced in Congress, and
WHEREAS, the proposed NIB could directly finance much of the needed remediation of our nation’s deteriorating infrastructure, in partnership with state and local government, and complement congressional appropriations, and
WHEREAS, twenty-two state legislatures have introduced or passed resolutions in support of the NIB, including the Washington state Senate;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
A. The King County Council calls upon Congress to pass H.R. 3339 and create a National Infrastructure Bank.
B. The King County Council's government relations staff will transmit copies of
this motion to each member of the county's Congressional delegation, the President of the United States, the county's state legislative delegation and the governor.