Clerk 02/06/2003
A MOTION authorizing an amendment to the interlocal agreement previously executed between King County and the King County cities in the Snoqualmie and South Fork Skykomish Watersheds within Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 7.
WHEREAS, in February 2001, as authorized by King County Motion 11077, King County and specific cities within the Snoqualmie and South Fork Skykomish watersheds entered into an interlocal agreement in order to cooperatively address long-term watershed planning and conservation issues, and
WHEREAS, the interlocal agreement establishes the Snoqualmie Watershed Forum (forum), comprised of representatives of governments entering into the interlocal agreement, as the governing body responsible for administering and implementing the actions undertaken through the interlocal agreement, and
WHEREAS, council district 3 and council district 12 encompass area within the watershed, and the interlocal agreement specifies that one ex-officio representative from each district shall be appointed to the forum by King County and one ex-efficio representative shall be appointed by the Snoqualmie Valley Cities Association in order to help broaden the geographic representation of the watershed, and
WHEREAS, in 2002 the council district boundaries were re-drawn, increasing the area of district 3 within the watershed and decreasing the area of district 12 within the watershed, and
WHEREAS, in response to the council district adjustment and to provide a more flexible arrangement for the appointment of the forum ex-officio representatives, the parties have identified the need to amend the interlocal agreement to provide for the appointment of one ex-officio position from council district 3 and one ex-officio position from either council district 3 or district 12, and
WHEREAS, the Snoqualmie Valley Cities Association has changed its name to the Snoqualmie Valley Governments Association in order to reflect representation by the Snoqualmie Tribe, and the parties wish to amend the interlocal agreement to document the name change;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The county executive is hereby authorized to execute the first amendment to the
interlocal agreement for the Snoqualmie and South Fork Skykomish watersheds within Water Resource Inventory Area 7.