Clerk 02/06/2012
AN ORDINANCE renaming the Maple Ridge Highlands Open Space to reflect two distinct areas with historical community identity: Danville-Georgetown Open Space and Henry's Ridge Open Space.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. King County obtained the Maple Ridge Highlands Open Space as a condition of the Polygon Four-to-One development proposal, which was approved in 1997 as an amendment to the King County Comprehensive Plan. The Four-to-One program required the Polygon project to dedicate to King County four acres of open space land for every one acre of land given urban development potential along the county's urban growth boundary.
B. The Polygon Four-to-One Open Space was dedicated to the county in phases from 2000 to 2005 upon recording of the plats of the Maple Ridge Highlands development. The open space area is presently named for that development.
C. The Danville-Georgetown Open Space is named for the Danville Mine, one of the first coal mines in the area, and for the area's former town of Georgetown. It also encompasses the Rock Creek Natural Area and Landsburg Reach. Henry's Ridge Open Space is named for an area featuring entertainment establishments such as dance halls and boat rentals, which was an attraction for miners from surrounding towns.
D. Public response to an on-line questionnaire on the King County parks and recreation division website about renaming this open space was overwhelmingly in favor of this proposal.
E. The county council is authorized to designate the name of any park or open space established by the county under RCW 36.32.430.
F. The sole purpose of this ordinance is to rename this site as authorized under RCW 36.32.430 and in furtherance of agency organization, reorganization, internal operational planning or coordination of plans or functions as contemplated under WAC 197-11-800(14)(h).
SECTION 2. The King County council hereby renames the Maple Ridge
Highlands Open Space as Danville-Georgetown Open Space and Henry's Ridge Open Space.