A MOTION relating to public transportation, adopting the Metro Mobility Framework Recommendations Summary and outlining a process for the development of updates to the Metro transit department's adopted policies.
WHEREAS, recent developments in transportation technologies have led to innovations in mobility that have changed the way people travel, and
WHEREAS, these innovative mobility services offer many new transportation options but do not always put people first or use public space equitably and efficiently, and
WHEREAS, these innovative mobility services are not yet well-integrated with public transit, meaning that it can be difficult for passengers to plan and pay for their mobility needs, and
WHEREAS, implementing mobility services in King County has been complicated by the recent increase in housing prices, which has resulted in many households living farther away from jobs, school and other destinations, in less-dense areas that can be more difficult to serve with fixed-route public transit and that are often not well served by innovative mobility services, and
WHEREAS, transportation is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in King County, making it essential that King County develop strategies to reduce vehicle miles traveled by fossil-fuel burning, single-occupancy vehicles, and
WHEREAS, those challenges require a vision for a regional mobility system that is innovative, integrated, equitable and sustainable, and
WHEREAS, Motion 15253 required the Metro transit department to develop a regional mobility framework for the equitable implementation of innovations in transit service and mobility that should include: guiding principles; a review of emerging technologies and local and national best practices; analysis of potential implications for the Metro transit department and opportunities to integrate mobility innovations with fixed-route and other services; coordination with regional transit planning efforts; a review of potential policies for the allocation of public space; a review of industry-wide workforce trends; information on how transit policies should be updated; and engagement with regional partners, transit riders and local communities, including but not limited to low-income populations, communities of color, immigrants and refugees and limited-English-speaking populations, and
WHEREAS, as required by Motion 15253, the Metro transit department transmitted a scoping document on April 18, 2019, which included a timeline, expected work tasks and a budget to develop the mobility framework, and
WHEREAS, Motion 15252 required the executive, working in coordination with the council, to initiate a regional planning effort during 2019 to address the implementation of METRO CONNECTS, the Metro transit department's long-range transit service and capital plan, as well as the ongoing maintenance needs of King County's transportation infrastructure, and that, as part of this effort, the Metro transit department should prepare updated information to supplement METRO CONNECTS to adjust for increased population growth, increasing regional congestion, inflation and construction costs, regional mobility needs and innovations in transportation, and
WHEREAS, as required by Motion 15252, the Metro transit department transmitted a status report on May 31, 2019, which described the coordination of the development of the mobility framework with regional transit planning and funding efforts and the progress in preparing updated information to supplement METRO CONNECTS, and
WHEREAS, to implement the efforts required by Motions 15252 and 15253, the Metro transit department convened the King County Metro equity cabinet, which was comprised of twenty-three community leaders representing communities countywide including, but not limited to, low-income people, communities of color, immigrants and refugees, limited-English speaking communities and people with disabilities, to cocreate the mobility framework, and
WHEREAS, the Metro transit department conducted extensive outreach and engagement around the development of the mobility framework with regional partners, elected leaders, stakeholder organizations, transit riders, local communities, low-income populations, communities of color, immigrants and refugees, limited-English-speaking populations, people with disabilities and others, and
WHEREAS, the process of developing the mobility framework began with the development of guiding principles, as required by Motion 15253, which were drafted by the King County Metro equity cabinet and then reviewed and refined by the regional transit committee, local elected officials, stakeholder organizations and community members, and
WHEREAS, the Metro transit department conducted analysis on emerging technologies and local and national best practices, as required by Motion 15253, and that information was used to develop the mobility framework, and
WHEREAS, the Metro transit department conducted analysis of potential implications for public transit services, opportunities to integrate mobility innovations with fixed-route and other services, potential policies for the allocation of public space and industry-wide workforce trends, as required by Motion 15253, and that information was used to develop the mobility framework, and
WHEREAS, the Metro transit department has begun a process to prepare revisions and updates to countywide public transit policies, including the Strategic Plan for Public Transportation, the King County Metro Service Guidelines and the METRO CONNECTS - King County Metro Long-Range Plan, as required by Motion 15253, and has described this process and a proposed timeframe for these updates within the mobility framework, and
WHEREAS, the Metro transit department has begun a process to prepare updated information to supplement METRO CONNECTS to adjust for increased population growth, increasing regional congestion, inflation and construction costs, regional mobility needs and innovations in transportation, as required by Motion 15252, and has described this process and a proposed timeline for this updated information within the mobility framework, and
WHEREAS, the mobility framework proposes recommendations in the areas of investments, surrounding land use, innovation, workforce and engagement that, if implemented, will help lead to a regional mobility system that is more innovative, integrated, equitable and sustainable;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
A. The Metro Mobility Framework Recommendations Summary, which is Attachment A to this motion, is hereby adopted.
B. The Metro transit department, under the leadership of the executive and working in coordination with the council, shall engage in a planning process to update its adopted policies and associated reporting requirements during 2020, including, but not limited to, the Strategic Plan for Public Transportation, the King County Metro Service Guidelines, the King County Ferry District 2014-2018 strategic plan and the METRO CONNECTS - King County Metro Long-Range Plan, to incorporate recommendations from the mobility framework, as well as policies needed to implement METRO CONNECTS. The process shall include:
1. Regular reports to the regional transit committee and the mobility and environment committee, or its successor;
2. Outreach and engagement with regional partners, communities historically lacking in access to or underserved by transit, the Sound Cities Association, the city of Seattle, King County's regional transportation boards, transit riders and local communities, including, but not limited to, low-income populations, communities of color, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities and limited English speaking populations;
3. Ongoing consultation with the King County Metro equity cabinet to ensure their engagement as the recommendations of the mobility framework are incorporated into the updates to the Metro transit department's adopted policies;
4. Updated information to supplement METRO CONNECTS to adjust for increased population growth, increasing regional congestion, inflation and construction costs, regional mobility needs and innovations in transportation;
5. Analysis of funding options to implement METRO CONNECTS;
6. Identification of the components of the METRO CONNECTS 2040 network that can be implemented using existing funding;
7. Development of a proposal to engage with cities regarding their transit needs on an ongoing basis using existing groups, venues and briefings;
8. Analysis of opportunities to assist local jurisdictions in implementing capital investments to improve speed and reliability for transit and to increase access to transit; and
9. Analysis of opportunities to test, implement, partner with and respond to
innovative mobility services and the development of policies related to the role of innovative mobility services within the public transit network.