Clerk 12/11/2008
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to enter into multiyear contracts with the city of Bellevue fire department, the city of Redmond fire department, the Shoreline fire department, Snohomish county fire district #26 and Vashon Island fire & rescue, for the disbursement of Medic One emergency medical services tax levy funds to provide advanced life support (paramedic) services.
1. At the general election on November 6, 2007, the electorate of King County approved a proposition imposing the levy of a regular property tax each year for six years, collection beginning in 2008 and ending in 2013, to continue to provide regional Medic One/emergency medical services.
2. All funds collected under this levy not designated for the city of Seattle are deposited into the county emergency medical services fund.
3. The Medic One/emergency medical services system includes a tiered response system that includes advanced life support (paramedic) services, which are identified in the Medic One/Emergency Medical Services 2008-2013 Strategic Plan.
4. The county desires to disburse emergency medical services funds to these fire department paramedic service providers for the provision of advanced life support services and must do so by executing new contracts with these agencies.
5. The county desires to enter into multiyear contracts with these agencies in order to facilitate the ability of the agencies to maintain continuous insurance liability coverage and to improve the efficiency of the contracting process.
6. The Medic One emergency medical services levy provides a stable funding base to allow for multiyear contracts between King County and the fire departments providing advanced life support services.
SECTION 1. The King County executive is hereby authorized to enter into and execute multiyear contracts, in substantially the form attached to this ordinance,
necessary for the disbursement of Medic One/emergency medical services tax levy funds to provide advanced life support (paramedic) services.