Clerk 07/14/2008
AN ORDINANCE proposing an amendment to Section 310 of the King County Charter, Section 430 of the King County Charter and Section 550 of the King County Charter and addition of a new Section 425 to the King County Charter, requiring the establishment of the forecast council and the office of economic and financial analysis; and submitting the same to the voters of the county for their ratification or rejection at the November 2008 general election.
SECTION 1. There shall be submitted to the voters of King County for their approval and ratification or rejection, at the next general election to be held in this county occurring more than forty-five days after the enactment of this ordinance, an amendment to Sections 310, 430 and 550 of the King County Charter and addition of a new Section 425 to the King County Charter, as set forth herein:
Section 310. Composition and Powers.
The executive branch shall be composed of the county executive, the county administrative officer, the county assessor, the officers and employees of administrative offices and executive departments established by this charter or created by the county council and the members of the boards and commissions, except the forecast council and office of economic and financial analysis, the board of appeals and the personnel board. The executive branch shall have all executive powers of the county under this charter.
Section 425. Economic and Financial Analysis.
425.10. Forecast Council and Office of Economic and Financial Analysis.
The county council shall by ordinance establish the forecast council, which shall adopt official county economic and revenue forecasts that must be used as the basis for the executive's budget proposals. The county council shall by ordinance establish the office of economic and financial analysis.
425.20. Oversight of Office of Economic and Financial Analysis.
The forecast council shall by unanimous vote appoint the chief county economist who shall administer the office of economic and financial analysis. The forecast council shall conduct an open and competitive process to select the chief economist. The chief economist may be removed by a vote of three members of the forecast council. The chief economist shall be responsible for the employment and supervision of those employees whom he or she deems necessary to assist in the performance of the duties of the office.
The forecast council shall approve an annual work program for the office of economic and financial analysis and also may assign additional economic and financial studies to the office.
425.30. Forecast Council Composition.
The forecast council shall be composed of the executive, two county council members and a county employee with knowledge of the budgeting and financial management practices of the county to be appointed by the executive. County council members shall be appointed annually by the chair of the county council. Appointments to the forecast council shall not be subject to confirmation.
425.40. Revenue Forecasts.
By March 1 and at least one hundred-seventy days prior to the end of each year or alternate dates approved by a majority of the forecast council of each year, the chief economist shall prepare, respectively, proposed preliminary and updated official economic and revenue forecasts for county government and submit these to the forecast council. Forecasts may be adopted or revised by a vote of the majority of the forecast council within fifteen days of their submittal by the chief economist, or the forecast shall be deemed adopted. The preliminary forecast shall be used as the basis for the executive's preliminary budget preparation including preparation of the status quo budget, budget instructions to departments, and preliminary review of departmental submittals to the executive. The updated forecast shall be used as the basis for the executive's proposed budget. The most-current forecast shall be used as the basis for budget amendments.
Section 430. Contents of Budget.
The budget shall include all funds, revenues and reserves; shall be divided into programs, projects and objects of expense and shall include supporting data deemed advisable by the county executive or required by ordinance; shall indicate as to each program, project or object of expense the actual expenditures of the preceding fiscal year, the estimated expenditures for the current fiscal year and requested appropriations for the next fiscal year; and shall include the proposed capital improvement program for the next six fiscal years. The expenditures included in the budget for the ensuing fiscal year shall not exceed the estimated revenues as forecast under Section 425.40 of this charter.
Section 550. Career Service Positions.
All county employees and officers shall be members of the career service except those in the following positions: all elected officers; the county auditor, the clerk and all other employees of the county council; the county administrative officer; the chief officer of each executive department and administrative office; the members of all boards and commissions; the chief economist and other employees of the office of economic and financial analysis; administrative assistants for the county executive and one administrative assistant each for the county administrative officer, the county auditor, the county assessor, the chief officer of each executive department and administrative office and for each board and commission; a chief deputy for the county assessor; one confidential secretary each for the county executive, the chief officer of each executive department and administrative office, and for each administrative assistant specified ((herein)) in this section; all employees of those officers who are exempted from the provisions of this charter by the state constitution; persons employed in a professional or scientific capacity to conduct a special inquiry, investigation or examination; part-time and temporary employees; administrative interns; election precinct officials; all persons serving the county without compensation; physicians; surgeons; dentists; medical interns; and student nurses and inmates employed by county hospitals, tuberculosis sanitariums and health departments of the county.
Part-time Employees. All part-time employees shall be exempted from career service membership except, effective January 1, 1989, all part-time employees employed at least half-time or more, as defined by ordinance, shall be members of the career service.
SECTION 2. The clerk of the council shall certify the proposition to the manager of the elections division, in substantially the following form, with such additions,
deletions or modifications as may be required by the prosecuting attorney:
Shall the King County Charter be amended to require the establishment of the forecast council and the office of economic and financial analysis?