Clerk 07/01/2024
A MOTION accepting a RapidRide Prioritization Plan report as called for by Ordinance 19367, Section 6.B., which report includes an update on the status of the planning and design of the RapidRide K and R lines, in response to Ordinance 19546, Section 114, Proviso P4.C.
WHEREAS, Ordinance 19367, Section 6.B.,which approved the 2021-2031 King County Metro Strategic Plan for Public Transportation, the King County Metro Service Guidelines and Metro Connects - King County Metro's Long Range Plan, states that a RapidRide prioritization plan shall be transmitted by June 30,2024, for acceptance by motion, which shall include:
1. Corridor evaluations of RapidRide corridors based on the five factors used in Metro Connects, which are equity, sustainability, service demand, capital, and implementation;
2. Preplanning level of studies of candidate corridors that consider route alignment, capital investment needs and cost estimates;
3. A description of stakeholder engagement with community members, affected jurisdictions and partner agencies; and
4. A list of the RapidRide candidate lines organized by tier, with a description of the priority level, and
WHEREAS, the 2023-2023 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 19546, Section 114, Proviso P4.C., further states that the information required by Ordinance 19367 shall include an update on the status of the planning and design of the RapidRide K and R lines, including:
1. The efforts that have been undertaken or are planned to be undertaken during
2023 and 2024 to advance planning and design, including an estimate of the current level of design;
2. Tasks planned to be undertaken during 2025 and 2026 to advance planning
and design;
3. Engagement and coordination efforts with community stakeholders, local jurisdictions and agency partners on planning and design efforts, including on the development of a recommended alignment;
4. The status of and planned timeline for environmental review;
5. The status of and planned timeline for preparation and submittal of grant applications; and
6. The anticipated timeline for major project milestones, including estimates for the start of construction the start of service;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The council accepts the RapidRide Prioritization Plan report, including
information on the status of the planning and design of the RapidRide K and R lines, all in Attachment A to this motion.