File #: 2006-0209    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 5/1/2006 In control: Committee of the Whole
On agenda: Final action: 7/17/2006
Enactment date: 7/20/2006 Enactment #: 15548
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to boards and commissions; amending Ordinance 3631, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.30.060, Ordinance 14714, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.36.070, Ordinance 6818, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.42.040, Ordinance 13720, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.45.030 and Ordinance 2647, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 3.10.020 and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 2.28.
Sponsors: Larry Phillips
Indexes: Boards, Commissions
Code sections: 2.28 - , 2.30.060 - , 2.36.070 - , 2.42.040 - , 2.45.030 - , 3.10.020 -
Attachments: 1. 15548.pdf, 2. 2006-0209 Attachment #2 for 07-10-06 COW ~ Attachment 1 - Table of Boards and Commissions.doc, 3. 2006-0209 Second Rev SR Boards Commissions.doc, 4. 2006-0209 Staff Report for 06-05-06 COW.doc, 5. 2006-0209 Staff Report for 07-10-06 COW.doc
AN ORDINANCE relating to boards and commissions; amending Ordinance 3631, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.30.060, Ordinance 14714, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.36.070, Ordinance 6818, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.42.040, Ordinance 13720, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.45.030 and Ordinance 2647, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 3.10.020 and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 2.28.
In November 2005, the voters of King County approved a county charter amendment reducing the number of county council districts from thirteen to nine effective January 1, 2006.  The membership of some of the county's boards and commissions are based, in whole or in part, on the number of council district.  It is necessary, therefore, to amend provisions of the county code to reflect the reduction in council districts for those boards and commissions.
      NEW SECTION. SECTION 1.  There is hereby added to K.C.C chapter 2.28 a new section to read as follows:
      A.  Each councilmember must provide the executive with a nomination to represent the councilmember's council district.  If the executive does not appoint the person nominated by the councilmember, the executive shall request that the councilmember nominate another person.
      B.  At-large positions designated for the council shall be appointed by the executive after receiving nominations from the council.  When notified of a vacancy in one of these four at-large positions, the council chair shall inform the council at an open public meeting of the vacancy and seek nominations from councilmembers.  At a subsequent council meeting, the chair shall inform the council of the names of all nominees received from councilmembers and that all nominations have been forwarded to the executive.  If the executive does not appoint a person who has been nominated by the council, the executive must request that the council nominate other candidates for appointment.
      C.  When appointing and confirming members to boards, commissions and committees it shall be the goal to have geographical diversity and balance.  The women's advisory board created under K.C.C. 2.30.010, the conservation futures citizen oversight committee established under K.C.C. 2.36.070, the Harborview medical center board of trustees established under K.C.C. 2.42.030 and the civil rights commission created under K.C.C. 3.10.010, should not have more than two members from a single council district.  This subsection does not apply to a board, commission or committee until the board, commission or committee attains the council district and at-large membership as specified in section 7 of this ordinance.
      SECTION 2.  Ordinance 3631, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.30.060 are each hereby amended as follows:
      A.  The King County women's advisory board shall be composed of fifteen members, one nominated from each council district by the ((county)) council((, two)) and six at-large members, of whom four shall be nominated by the council and two shall be nominated by the ((county)) executive.  ((These)) All nominations shall represent the diversity of women in King County, including diversity in age, area of residence, profession and race((/)) or ethnicity, and shall not include employees or board members of agencies receiving funding from the women's program.  Nominees shall be appointed by the county executive and confirmed by ((a majority vote of)) the county council ((in the following manner:)) by motion.
      B.  Board members representing council districts and those at-large positions nominated by the council shall be appointed ((to positions numbered one through thirteen (1-13).  A candidate for each position must be recommended by the councilmember representing the council district with the corresponding number.  If the executive does not appoint the person recommended by the councilmember, the executive shall request that the councilmember recommend another person)) in the manner set forth in section 1 of this ordinance.
      C 1.  Once constituted, the women's advisory board shall establish terms of appointment by lot.  Four members shall serve one year((;)), four members shall serve two years((;)) and three members shall serve three years.
      ((The terms of members from council districts 10 through 13 appointed pursuant to this section shall be governed by chapter 2.28 K.C.C. and shall be allocated as follows:  District 10 member to serve a one-year term; District 11 member to serve a two-year term; District 12 and District 13 members to serve a three-year term.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the incumbent in the District 12 position on May 5, 1995 may serve a term ending July 1, 1995 and be eligible for reappointment as provided by law.  The person appointed to the District 11 position on March 23, 1995 may serve a term ending July 1, 1997 and be eligible for reappointment as provided by law.))
        2.  After the initial terms have expired, all appointments shall be for ((a period of)) three years.
      SECTION 3.  Ordinance 14714, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.36.070 are each hereby amended as follows:
      A.  The conservation futures citizen oversight committee is hereby established as an advisory body to carry out the duties prescribed for the committee in K.C.C. chapter 26.12.
      B.  The committee shall include an individual who resides in each King County council district and ((three additional)) seven at-large members, of whom four shall be nominated by the council.  The committee shall be appointed by the executive and confirmed by the council by motion.  The committee shall elect a chair from its members.
      C.1.  The executive shall solicit nominations from the ((King County)) council, from the city of Seattle and from suburban cities within King County and shall seek representation of a broad spectrum of interests and expertise, including, but not limited to, local conservation and passive recreation, science and ecology, conservation land stewardship, business and education.
        2.  Committee members for those at-large positions nominated by the county council shall be appointed in the manner set forth in section 1 of this ordinance.
      ((C.)) D.  Once established, the terms of the members and chair shall be four years and shall be rotated such that eight of the seats become available for appointment every two years.  Committee appointments and operations are subject to K.C.C. Title 3, including code of ethics and civil rights provisions.
      SECTION 4.  Ordinance 6818, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.42.040 are each hereby amended as follows:
      A.  ((Appointment and Confirmation.  Board members shall be appointed to positions numbered one through thirteen (1-13).  The executive shall appoint the members of the board subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the county council; provided that, a candidate for each position must be recommended by the councilmember representing the council district with the corresponding number.  If the executive does not appoint the person recommended by the councilmember, the executive shall request that the councilmember recommend another person.))  The Harborview medical center board of trustees shall be composed of thirteen members, one nominated from each council district by the county council and four at-large members, who shall be nominated by the county council.  Nominees shall be appointed by the executive and confirmed by the council by motion.
      B.  Board members representing council districts and the four at-large positions nominated by the council shall be appointed in the manner set forth in section 1 of this ordinance.
      ((Qualification.)) C.  In making appointments to the board, an effort should be made to assure that diverse geographic, social, cultural, ethnic, racial((,)) and economic backgrounds and perspectives are considered.  Candidates should possess:  demonstrated leadership ability, and recognized experience in management((/)) or administration, planning, finance, health service delivery, consumer representation or institutional operation; and the ability to work cooperatively with others of diverse backgrounds and philosophies.  Additionally, all candidates must be willing to commit to the amount of time necessary to perform trustee duties, serve on board committees and serve as an advocate for the medical center.
      ((C.  Ineligibility.)) D.  No person shall be eligible for appointment as a member of the board who holds or has held, during the ((period of)) two years immediately ((prior to)) before appointment, any salaried office or position in any office, department or branch of county government or of any organization with which a contract for the operation and administration of the medial center has been executed.  All candidates ((will be)) are required to disclose any information concerning actions or activities of the candidate or ((his/her)) the candidate's immediate family ((which)) that present a potential conflict of interest.  Candidates whose employment, financial interests((, and/)) or other transactions are determined by the appointing officials to be in conflict with the interests of the medical center, ((will be)) are ineligible for board membership.
      ((D.  Compensation.)) E.  No board member shall receive any compensation or emolument whatever for services as a board member and shall be governed by the county code of ethics and state law regarding conflict of interest.  Board members may be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060, as now existing or hereafter amended.
      SECTION 5.  Ordinance 13720, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.45.030 are each hereby amended as follows:
      A.  The commission must consist of nineteen voting members and shall consist of one member nominated by each councilmember and ten at-large members, of whom four shall be nominated by the council.  Nominees shall be appointed by the executive and confirmed by the council by motion.
      B.  ((Councilmembers must provide the executive with a recommendation to represent their council district.  If the executive does not appoint a person that has been recommended by the councilmember, the executive must request that the councilmember nominate another candidate for appointment.  Six at-large members of the commission shall be appointed by the executive.))  Commission members representing council districts and those at-large positions nominated by the council shall be in the manner set forth in section 1 of this ordinance.
      ((B.)) C.  In making appointments to the commission, an effort should be made to assure that the following categories of recreation are considered:  field sports((,)); court sports((,)); aquatic recreation((,)); hobby groups((,)) spcialized recreation for persons with disabilities; and any other sport ((which)) that requires facilities or fields.  Additionally, one or more representatives of local youth groups should be included on the commission membership.  Councilmembers may recommend candidates for appointment who are under the age of eighteen.  Commission membership shall be monitored by the director of the department of natural resources and parks and the director shall provide councilmembers with recommendations on which recreation categories are not represented on the commission and which categories should receive priority consideration for appointment.  The director of the ((King County)) department of natural resources and parks, a representative from a local law enforcement agency and a representative of King County council's growth management and natural resources((, parks and open space)) committee, or its successor, may serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the commission.
      ((C.)) D.  All appointees should have a working knowledge of parks and recreation, a strong commitment to promote recreation in King County, the ability to work with differing viewpoints to find solutions to complex problems and a willingness to commit the time necessary to attend commission meetings and activities.
      SECTION 6.  Ordinance 2647, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 3.10.020 are each hereby amended as follows:
      A.  The civil rights commission shall be composed of ((sixteen individuals, who shall be appointed by the county executive and confirmed by the county council to three-year terms or until their successor is appointed and confirmed.  These sixteen members shall be appointed in the following manner:)) twelve members, one nominated from each council district by the county councilmember and three at-large members appointed by the executive.  Members shall be appointed by the executive and confirmed by the county council by motion.
      ((A.  Thirteen members shall be appointed to positions numbered one through thirteen (1-13) to correspond with the council district number from which the commission members is nominated.  A candidate for each position must be recommended by the councilmember representing the council district with the corresponding number.  If the executive does not appoint the person recommended by the councilmember, the executive shall request the councilmember recommend another person.))
      B.  ((Three members shall be appointed by the executive and serve at-large. Five members shall serve one year; six members shall serve two years; and five members shall serve three years.)) Commission members representing council districts shall be appointed in the manner set forth in section 1 of this ordinance.
      C.  Officers shall be elected annually from the voting body of members as follows:  chair((,)); vice chair; and secretary.  ((Members of the affirmative action committee duly appointed as of October 1, 1995 may continue to serve out their terms on the civil rights commission until a successor is appointed and confirmed. Members of the affirmative action committee may be considered for reappointment as members of the civil rights commission as specified in this section.))
      SECTION 7.  As positions designated from council districts ten through thirteen prior to January 1, 2006 become vacant, the positions shall be considered at-large positions, subject to the nomination provisions of section 1.B. of this ordinance.  If a board or commission has positions representing the council but not designated by council district, the first four vacancies occurring on the board or commission shall be considered at-large positions, subject to the nomination provisions of section 1.B. of this ordinance.