File #: 2016-0016    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/19/2016 In control: Transportation, Economy, and Environment Committee
On agenda: Final action: 7/5/2016
Enactment date: 7/13/2016 Enactment #: 18313
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to King County's long-term combined sewer overflow plan; approving a joint project agreement with the city of Seattle for the ship canal water quality project and authorizing the King County executive to sign and fulfill the county's obligations in the agreement.
Sponsors: Rod Dembowski, Jeanne Kohl-Welles
Indexes: Agreement, Seattle, City of
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 18313.pdf, 2. 2016-0016 legislative review form.pdf, 3. A. City of Seattle and King County Water Quality Project Joint Project Agreement, dated May 31, 2016, 4. A. City of Seattle and King County Water Quality Project Joint Project Agreement, dated May 31, 2016, 5. 2016-0016 transmittal letter.doc, 6. 2016-0016 fiscal note.xls, 7. 2016-0016 SR_JPA-ShipCanal-USE_THIS.pdf, 8. 2016-0016 SR_JPA-ShipCanal (04-05-16).docx, 9. 2016-0016_ATT4_DOE-Letter-03-08-16.pdf, 10. 2016-0016 SR SC JPA-jr.docx, 11. A. City of Seattle and King County Ship Canal Water Quality Project Joint Project Agreement, 12. ATT3. Attachment A. Combined Red Line.pdf, 13. ATT2 Amd 1.docx, 14. 2016-0016_revisedSR_SC_ JPA.docx
Related files: 2024-RPT0087, 2024-RPT0024, 2021-RPT0079, 2023-RPT0009, 2022-RPT0014
Staff: Mountsier, Beth


Clerk 06/22/2016


AN ORDINANCE relating to King County's long-term combined sewer overflow plan; approving a joint project agreement with the city of Seattle for the ship canal water quality project and authorizing the King County executive to sign and fulfill the county's obligations in the agreement.



1.  King County and the city of Seattle have entered into separate federal court-ordered consent decrees with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington state Department of Ecology requiring control of combined sewer overflows to the Lake Washington Ship Canal, Duwamish river and Elliott bay.

2.  The 2012 combined sewer overflow long-term control plan, approved by Ordinance 17413 and incorporated into the consent decree, notes the potential for joint projects with the city.

3.  The city of Seattle's Ballard and Fremont/Wallingford combined sewer overflow basins are located in close proximity to the county's 3rd Avenue West regulation and 11th Avenue Northwest regulation combined sewer overflow sites.

4.  The coordination efforts of the county and the city have resulted in the proposed joint ship canal water quality project that will control four of the city's and two of the county's combined sewer overflow sites in the ship canal.

5.  King County and Seattle agree that the joint ship canal water quality project is a preferred alternative over independently-constructed combined sewer overflow control projects by the county and the city.

6.  The city of Seattle will serve as the lead agency for design and construction of the proposed ship canal water quality project, a 2.7-mile, approximately fourteen-foot diameter storage tunnel that will capture and temporarily hold more than fifteen-million gallons of stormwater mixed with sewage from seven combined sewer overflow sites during a storm event.

7.  The county is seeking approval from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington state Department of Ecology of a modified schedule for completion of the 3rd Avenue West regulation combined sewer overflow control project and a change in the project description for the county's 3rd Avenue West regulation and 11th Avenue Northwest control projects consistent with the ship canal water quality project schedule and description.

8.  The proposed ship canal water quality project will provide operational efficiencies based on the ability of the storage tunnel to control large flow volumes from adjacent basins in a single facility.

9.  Construction of a single project, rather than six independent projects, will reduce environmental impacts and minimize neighborhood disruption.

10.  King County and the city of Seattle have agreed to jointly cooperate in, and share funding of, the planning, design, construction and maintenance, as well as the long-term operation, repair, replacement, alteration and improvement of the ship canal water quality project as provided for in the proposed joint project agreement that is Attachment A to this ordinance.

11.  The regular reporting of project design and construction progress, costs and risks is an important aspect of overall project accountability and oversight in this jointly cooperative project management and delivery system.


                     SECTION 1.  The King County council hereby approves the ship canal water quality joint project agreement, substantially in the form of Attachment A to this ordinance, and authorizes the King County executive to sign and fulfill the county's obligations in the agreement.

                     SECTION 2.  A.  The executive shall submit semiannual project status reports summarizing:

                       1.  Project budget status and anticipated cash flow through construction phases;

                       2.  Key upcoming activities that demonstrate progress on design and construction of county-focused elements;

                       3.  Major schedule milestones and the project status in achieve those milestones; and

                       4. Potential uses of contingency and management reserve.

                     B.  The reports shall be filed:

                       1.  In the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original file and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff, the lead staff for the transportation, economy and environment committee and the policy staff director.

                       2.  By July 30 for the preceding period of January 1 through June 30 and by

January 31 for the preceding period of July 1 through December 31; and

                       3.  Until closeout of the project is reported as complete in a project status report.