Clerk 12/27/2013
A MOTION relating to the King County Metro Strategic Plan for Public Transportation 2011-2021 and the King County Metro Service Guidelines, and accepting the King County Metro Transit Access to Transit Study Work Plan.
WHEREAS, the council adopted the King County Metro Strategic Plan for Public Transportation 2011-2021 ("the strategic plan") and the King County Metro Service Guidelines ("the service guidelines") in July 2011, in accordance with Ordinance 17143, Section 3 and Section 4, and
WHEREAS, the strategic plan and the service guidelines were to follow the recommendations of the regional transit task force regarding the policy framework for the Metro transit system, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 17143, Section 4, was amended in August, 2013 by Ordinance 17641, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 17641, Section 3.A.1, specifies that the access to transit study work plan be transmitted by December 31, 2013, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 17641, Section 3.A.3, specifies that the access to transit study work plan include timelines, milestones, lead agency or jurisdiction and scope to identify the following:
1. The role of park and rides and other community infrastructure related to access to transit;
2. Industry best practices and innovative approaches to improve access to transit capacity including but not limited to parking management, technology, non-motorized corridors, and transportation demand management;
3. Options for regional needs reporting and funding of access to transit infrastructure;
4. Model policy language that supports access to transit through transit-oriented communities and infrastructure; and
5. Potential updates to the strategic plan and the service guidelines to clarify the role, measurement and funding of access to transit as they relate to the King County Metro transit system, and
WHEREAS, King County Metro staff has compiled the required information and the executive has transmitted the access to transit study work plan set forth as Attachment A to this motion to the council and to the regional transit committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The King County council hereby accepts the King County Metro Transit Access to Transit Study Work Plan, Attachment A to this motion.