File #: 2004-0390    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Lapsed
File created: 8/16/2004 In control: Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
On agenda: Final action: 2/7/2005
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to proviso language in two ordinances, modifying certain dates and proviso language; and amending the 2004 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14797, Sections 43, 74, 94, 95 and 103, as amended.
Sponsors: Larry Gossett
Indexes: Budget
Attachments: 1. 2004-0390 Transmittal Letter.doc
Staff: Clarke, Monica
Clerk 08/12/2004
AN ORDINANCE relating to proviso language in two ordinances, modifying certain dates and proviso language; and amending the 2004 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 14797, Sections 43, 74, 94, 95 and 103, as amended.
      SECTION 1.  There is hereby approved and amended an ordinance relating to proviso language in the 2004 adopted budget ordinance, modifying certain dates and proviso language.
      SECTION 2.  Ordinance 14797, Section 43, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein the following:
      ADULT AND JUVENILE DETENTION - From the current expense fund there is hereby appropriated to:
      Adult and Juvenile Detention      $89,047,572
The maximum number of FTEs for adult and juvenile detention shall be:       937.86
      ER1 Expenditure Restriction:
      Of this appropriation, $977,942 and 14.0 FTEs shall only be expended after the executive certifies to the council that he has entered into a contract with the state providing for reimbursement from the state for inmates held under the Offender Accountability Act.
      ER2 Expenditure Restriction:
      Of this appropriation, $85,000 and 1.0 TLT shall be spent solely for the Helping Hands Initiative.  The initiative shall include the employment of a community service coordinator within the department's community corrections division.  In addition, the coordinator shall work with organizations such as the United Way to identify community organizations that need volunteers or have other options for community service.  The coordinator shall compile a directory of community service options and use the directory to provide links for offenders.  Of the department's total appropriation, $250,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive certifies that this new initiative is operational.
      ER3 Expenditure Restriction:
      Of this appropriation, $70,000 shall be spent solely for a half-time work crew in the White Center/Boulevard Park area.  This work crew shall provide general services within the White Center/Boulevard Park area and should coordinate the crew's work activities with code enforcement officers from the department of development and environmental services and the White Center Community Development Association.  This work crew is funded with general CX revenues and the council has earmarked CX revenue for this work crew in the CX financial plan.  Of the department's total appropriation, $250,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive certifies in writing that this work crew is operational.
      ER4 Expenditure Restrictions:
      Of this appropriation, $85,000 shall only be expended for a contract with the Central Area Motivation Project for relicensing efforts.
      ER5 Expenditure Restriction:
      Of this appropriation, $80,000 shall only be expended for a contract with the NW Labor Employment & Law Office for relicensing efforts.
      Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall be spent or encumbered only after the department of adult and juvenile detention transmits for the review and approval of the council by motion its report of the operational master plan for King County secure detention.  In addition, the department shall transmit with the final report, its plans for implementing the consultant's recommendations.  The department shall transmit the completed report and plans by ((June 1, 2004)) June 18, 2004.
      The report required to be submitted by this proviso must be filed in the form of 15 copies with the clerk of the council, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff for law, justice and human services committee or its successor.
      SECTION 3.  Ordinance 14797, Section 74, am amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
      WATER AND LAND RESOURCES - From the water and land resources fund there is hereby appropriated to:
      Water and Land Resources      $39,467,670
The maximum number of FTEs for water and land resources shall be:      338.10
      ER1 Expenditure Restriction:
      Of this appropriation, $96,992 shall be spent only on the water quality awareness program.
      The capital improvement project (CIP) reallocation report required by K.C.C. 4.04.275 shall show an adjustment of out-year expenditures for capital projects and on the ground programs on Vashon and Maury islands, as well as projected surface water management fee revenue for each of the out years.  The adjustment shall demonstrate how the funds generated through the collection of the surface water management fee on Vashon and Maury islands will ultimately be allocated to rural drainage program projects and programs in a manner that fairly represents the level of funding contributed by island residents.
      Of this appropriation, $30,000 shall be expended solely for an ecological economic evaluation of the nearshore environment on southeast Maury Island which lies within the recommended Washington state Department of Natural Resources's aquatic reserve.  The scope of the evaluation shall include, at a minimum, the area from Piner Point to the southeastern boundary of the community known as Gold Beach.  The water and land resources division shall transmit the final ecological economic evaluation report to the council upon completion which shall be no later than ((June 30, 2004)) July 15, 2004.
      The report required to be submitted by this proviso must be filed in the form of 15 copies with the clerk of the council, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff for the natural resources, parks and open space committee or its successor.
      In providing information and educational programs for residents and property owners, the office of rural and resource lands shall coordinate with and utilize resources available through the state Department of Natural Resources and United States Forest Service to identify land management practices that serve to reduce the danger of wildfires to residential areas and to better protect lives and property in the event of a wildfire.  In addition, in light of recent forest fires near residential areas in King County and in the state of California, the division shall consider development of an application for Title III forestry funds to support forest fire prevention on rural forest lands adjacent to residential areas.
      SECTION 4.  Ordinance 14797, Section 94, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
      NATURAL RESOURCES AND PARKS ADMINISTRATION - From the solid waste fund there is hereby appropriated to:
      Natural Resources and Parks Administration      $4,857,224
The maximum number of FTEs
or natural resources and parks administration shall be:      28.00
      Of this appropriation, $55,500 in support of the unincorporated area councils shall not be expended until the executive provides a report to the council regarding the allocation of revenue support among revenue sources for the unincorporated area councils and until the council approves the report by motion.  The report shall be provided by ((March 30, 2004)) August 30, 2004.  The report shall describe the total amount of the unincorporated area council allocation, proposed activities, the proposed sources and amounts of revenue allocated to support these activities, the basis for the determination of the proportional revenue support responsibility among revenue sources, and background documentation in support of that determination.  The report shall also describe how the allocation responds to the concerns expressed in the 2003 report of the State Auditor number #65688 addressing the unincorporated area councils.
      The report required by this proviso must be filed in the form of 15 copies with the clerk of the council, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee or its successor.
      $50,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the department of natural resources and parks submits to the council a report making recommendations for long-term needs for groundwater protection and funding strategies.  Consistent with King County Groundwater Program lead agency responsibilities defined in K.C.C. 9.14.050, the department shall identify these work needs in consultation with groundwater protections committees, cities, special purpose districts, sewer and water utilities associations, and water purveyors.  Also, in its role as lead agency, the department of natural resources and parks shll consult with the Seattle-King County department of health and department of development and environmental services and recommend how the groundwater-related roles and responsibilities of each of these agencies should be defined and integrated to accomplish long-term needs for groundwater protection.
      This report must be filed by June 15, 2004, in the form of 15 copies with the clerk of the council, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff for the utilities committee or its successor.
      Of the department's total appropriation, $65,000 for the Greenprinting shall not be expended or encumbered until the water and land resources division contracts with a consultant to perform the ecological economic evaluation of the nearshore environment on southeast Maury Island as required by a proviso in section 74 of this ordinance.
      SECTION 5.  Ordinance 14979, Section 95, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
      SOLID WASTE - From the solid waste fund there is hereby appropriated to:
      Solid Waste      $86,524,853
The maximum number of FTEs for solid waste shall be:      377.43
      ER1 Expenditure Restriction:
      Of this appropriation, $1,000,000 shall be expended solely for a waste reduction and recycling grant program for suburban cities participating in the county's solid waste system and shall be expended only after the council authorizes the program by ordinance.
      ER2 Expenditure Restriction:
      Of this appropriation, $250,000 shall be expended solely for an analysis of alternatives for implementing solid waste export.  This assessment shall not be limited to a county-owned and operated intermodal transportation facility.  The assessment shall be forwarded to the council along with the executive's proposed Solid Waste Export Implementation and Coordination Plan.
      ((P1 PROVIDED THAT:   veto /s/Ron Sims 12/11/2003
      Of this appropriation, $500,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the solid waste division submits to the council, no later than May 1, 2004, and the council approves by ordinance a plan to divert solid waste transfer station usage from over-capacity transfer stations to underutilized transfer stations in the county.  If the division does not submit the plan by May 1, 2004, this amount shall revert to fund balance.
      The plan required to be submitted by this proviso must be filed in the form of 16 copies with the clerk of the council, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee and for the utilities committee or their successors.))
      P2 Provided further that:
      Of this appropriation, $75,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the solid waste division submits a comprehensive rate study to the council.  The comprehensive rate study will include examination of all solid waste fees including basic, regional direct, special waste and yard waste and the underlying costs of all components of the solid waste system in the rate base.  The rate study will provide detailed information as to:  the assumptions and methodologies for the allocation of rate base costs to cost centers such as transfer and disposal operations, waste reduction and recycling, administration and program planning, landfill maintenance, and debt service and reserves; the solid waste financial plan policies and assumptions; alternative rate options; and comparative data by fee and service provision type to other comparable jurisdictions.
      The comprehensive rate study must be filed in the form of 15 copies with the clerk of the council by ((May 1, 2004)) June 10, 2004, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff of the utilities committee or its successor.  A report on the study will be made to the regional policy committee following submittal to the council.
      SECTION 6.  Ordinance 14797, Section 103, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
      DOT DIRECTOR'S OFFICE - From the public transportation fund there is hereby appropriated to:
      DOT Director's Office      $4,393,675
The maximum number of FTEs for DOT director's office shall be:      33.00
      Of this appropriation, $68,000 in support of the unincorporated area councils shall not be expended until the executive provides a report to the council regarding the allocation of revenue support among revenue sources for the unincorporated area councils and until the council approves such report by motion.  The report shall be provided by ((March 30, 2004)) August 30, 2004.  The report shall describe the total amount of the unincorporated area councils' allocation, proposed activities, the proposed sources and amounts of revenue allocated to support these activities, the basis for the determination of the proportional revenue support responsibility among revenue sources, and background documentation in support of that determination.  The report shall also describe how the allocation responds to the concerns expressed in the 2003 report of the state auditor number #65688 addressing the unincorporated area councils.
      The report required by this proviso must be filed in the form of 15 copies with the clerk of the council, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff for the budget and fiscal management committee or its successor.
      The King County department of transportation, as the agency responsible for the property known as the tank farm and other properties in the North Lake Union area of Seattle, shall submit to the council by ((February 25, 2004)) March 31, 2004, a report specifying a 2004 project schedule and a motion appointing members to a working group assigned to study and make recommendations for a North Lake Union long-term vision.  Such a vision shall focus on transportation infrastructure and land uses that link North Lake Union to other subareas.  This working group is to be made up of elected officials and staff from King County, city of Seattle and the state, private property owners and other such community stakeholders.
      The master plan should maximize the unique character of the Fremont and Wallingford neighborhoods and promote business, housing, transportation and the best public use of surrounding natural resources.  Such a study will engage staff and consultants, as well as all stakeholders, and will offer scope, costs and responsibility to achieve the North Lake Union master plan.  If the report and motion are not submitted by such date, $250,000 of this appropriation may not be expended or encumbered after ((February 25, 2004)) March 31, 2004, until the report and motion have been submitted to the council.
      The report required to be submitted by this proviso must be filed in the form of 15 copies with the clerk of the council, who will retain the original and will forward copies to each councilmember and to the lead staff of the transportation committee or its successor.
      SECTION 7.  If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person
or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.