2 Roll Call
3 Approval of Minutes
4 2015-0043 AN ORDINANCE making an emergency appropriation of $59,000 from the general fund to the community services operating fund, and $111,000 from the general fund to the facilities management internal services fund to provide additional funds for ope
5 2015-0016 AN ORDINANCE providing for the submission to the qualified electors of King County at a special election to be held in King County on April 28, 2015, of a proposition authorizing a property tax levy in excess of the levy limitation contained in
6 2015-B0001 Auditor's Oversight Report on the Children and Family Justice Center Project.
7 2014-0486 AN ORDINANCE approving the development contract for capital project 1117106, DES FMD Children and Family Justice Center, as required by the 2013 Annual Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 17476, Section 63, Expenditure Restriction ER 5, as amended.
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